

2022-08-11 11:06

It is the rise of companies and enterprises to seek alternatives to enter complex markets by importing goods from China to Venezuela.

Import from China to Venezuela
In order to import legally into Venezuela, it is necessary to comply with a series of requirements, which are demanded by the National Center of Foreign Trade (Centro Nacional de Comercio Exterior).

Legal Entity: If the importer is a Legal Firm it must have the commercial registry (Acta Constitutiva), Identity Card of the legal representatives and the RIF (Registro de Información Fiscal).
Natural Person: If the importer is a Natural Person, he/she must have his/her Identity Card and Personal RIF.
In order for imports to be nationalized, the importer must be registered in the Sidunea System (Automated Customs System).
Registration in the Sidunea must be done at least 2 weeks before the cargo arrives at the Venezuelan port or airport, for this only a copy of the RIF is needed.
All importers must have a Customs Broker for the nationalization of their merchandise, they cannot do direct procedures.

Mandatory documents to import from China
The articles of incorporation of the entity, company or corporation.
The list of clients.
The list of vehicles under the company's regime.
The name of the drivers involved.
The name of the legal representative of the institution.
The identity card number of the legal representative of the institution.
The number of branches operated by the company.
The Single Tax Information Registry.
The fiscal address of the company.
The company name.
The license plate numbers and vehicle types that apply.
The items to which imports are planned.
A contact telephone number and e-mail address.

Prohibited products to be imported into Venezuela
Pepper spray for personal protection.
Electronic weapons, which refers to those that produce electric shocks.
Camouflage items.
Steel pellets or reels.
Self-defense batons, as well as those used by police officers.
Tear gas bombs.
Canines or metras.
Personal protective vests or bulletproof vests.
Inflatable balloons.
Flesh gloves.
Slingshots of any kind.
Swimming goggles, safety glasses, or goggles.
Gas masks.
Disposable masks.
Balls or golf clubs.
Balls, gloves or baseball bats.
Pistols, rifles and ammunition.
Fishing weights and rods.
Any product containing compressed air or gas.

Important Information:
There are many products that are exempt and exonerated (exempt from permits and exonerated from paying taxes). Some products do not pay taxes as long as they present their permits and/or Certificates required by the Seniat (Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Aduanera y Tributaria).
It is worth mentioning that the resolutions and rulings in Venezuela are dynamic, so we recommend that in order to carry out the import process of the item of your interest, you should verify with the entities involved, the regulations in force at that time.

Written by Luis
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