How to Import from China to Peru?

2022/03/11 11:11:29

Hello businessmen, entrepreneurs, legal entities and individuals, in this article China-Latin Logistics we teach you the requirements that one must know when starting the adventure of importing from China to Peru.
Types of imports 

1.Express Delivery (Courier)
It allows importing or receiving shipments through Fast Delivery Service Companies (DHL, Fedex, among others) as purchases or gifts up to a maximum FOB value of US $ 2,000.00 (Two Thousand US Dollars) per shipment. If the value is higher you have to do the Import procedure for consumption.

2.Simplified Import Clearance
It is for merchandise whose FOB value does not exceed US $ 2,000 (Two Thousand US Dollars). You have to present the Simplified Import Declaration (DSI), the procedure can be done by the importer or a customs broker.

3.Import for Consumption
It is for merchandise whose FOB value is greater than US $ 2,000 (Two Thousand American Dollars) the procedure must be carried out by a Customs Agent.

Taxes for the importation of merchandise 
From: import

1. Payments and exemptions in express delivery shipments
Goods up to a FOB value of US $ 200.00 two hundred American dollars per postal shipment. It does not pay Ad / Valorem, nor IGV. National Subheading 9809.00.00.20.

Merchandise whose FOB value is greater than US $ 200.00 two hundred American dollars, up to a maximum of US $ 2,000.00 two thousand American dollars per postal shipment. Pay 4% of Ad / Valorem and 18% of IGV. National Subheading 9809.00.00.30.

2. Taxes for Import for Consumption and Simplified Import Clearance
Ad - Valorem Duties: These are the taxes established in the Customs Tariff on merchandise that enter the national customs territory. Tax rate: four (04) levels: 0%, 4%, 6% or 11%, depending on the national subheading.       
General Sales Tax –IGV: This tax is levied on the importation of all goods, except for the exceptions. Tax rate: 16%

Municipal Promotion Tax –IPM: national tax created in favor of the municipalities, which taxes operations subject to VAT. Tax rate: 2%

3. Requirements to Import for consumption

1. Have the Unique Taxpayer Registry (RUC) number and have the status of having, that is, your address is confirmed. Likewise, exceptionally, they are not required to have RUC:
Individuals who occasionally import or export merchandise, whose FOB value per operation does not exceed US $ 1 000.00 (One thousand US dollars) and record up to three imports or exports a maximum per year.

Individuals who, for the only time, in a calendar year, import or export merchandise, whose FOB value is greater than US $ 1 000.00 (One thousand US dollars) and does not exceed US $ 3 000.00 (Three thousand US dollars) .

2.Hiring the services of a customs agent

3. Verify if the products are prohibited merchandise (it is prevented from entering the national territory) or if it is restricted merchandise, that is, it must have a document that authorizes its entry into the country.


Transportation insurance
It is a contract with an insurance company that covers the possible risks associated with the goods during their transport. If you have this document, you must present it.

Transport document
It supports the international transport of goods, it can be bill of lading, air waybill or waybill, depending on the means of transport used.

Certificate of origin
It is the document that allows an importer to prove the country or region (where a merchandise comes from) and is used to receive tariff preferences.

Proof of payment
It can be an invoice, contract or equivalent document, which has the minimum required information detailed in the Import Procedure for Consumption. If said documents do not detail the information mentioned above, it must be included in the declaration.

4. Finally, we are going to explain the difference between a natural person and a legal person, it is important for any entrepreneur who is going to start their own business.

Natural Person versus Legal Person

If you want to start a business you can do it as a Natural Person or as a Legal Person and you must choose one of them. Both options have advantages depending on your case.

As a Natural Person you can exercise any economic activity, be the driver of your own business and responsible for it. A Natural Person acts in a personal capacity.

As a Legal Person, you do not act in a personal capacity, but as an entity (company) that as such has rights and obligations, can enter into contracts and be judicially and extrajudicially represented. A Legal Person acts through its legal representatives.

To open a formal business under either of these two forms, it is necessary to register with SUNAT and do the following:

As a Natural Person: Register and obtain RUC.
As a Legal Person: Register or establish your company.

If you have any other questions about imports from China or want to learn more about how to import from China safely, do not hesitate to contact China Latin Logistics, we are here to help you.
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