
Sea freight "box" cost detailed explanation

2022-06-21 14:48

Ocean transportation is the main mode of transportation in international trade, which can help shippers to transport goods at a lower price. In the process of transportation, we tend to think of the ocean freight cost first, and it is easy to ignore some other costs. Take container as an example, in addition to freight, there are various costs around transportation and container, which may generate additional costs if you are not careful.

Discharge container fee
In the export, when the box wants to enter the port, due to the port or shipping company reasons, the port has not yet opened to receive boxes, can not enter the port. But the fleet can not keep this box on the trailer, the fleet has other boxes to tow, so the fleet can only find a place to drop the box (usually on the yard outside the terminal), wait for the port to open the port and then tow in the costs incurred.

Pre-pickup container charges 
Usually pre-pickup container charges it is necessary in special cases to pick up the container before the normal pick up date in order to get the container number and fill in the manifest or other information. The cost incurred at this time is called pre-pickup container charges.

Container detention charge
In order to accelerate the flow of containers, to avoid backlogs, shipping companies for the container to develop a free period of use. In this period, the goods can be free to occupy the container, more than the period, the goods need to pay a fixed fee to occupy the container, which is the "Container detention charge".
Container detention charge is calculated on a daily basis. In import, Container detention charge are often incurred. The crate can be used free of charge within N days after the ship docks, and charges will be made if the time exceeds the specified period. For export, the free use period of the box is generally 7 days, and the shipping company will also Container detention charge if the time is exceeded on board. Therefore, after the ship arrives at the port, you must complete customs clearance, arrange pick-up and return the empty containers to the designated place of the shipping company in time.

Early port entry fees
After loading, the port has not yet opened and the terminal does not allow access to the port. The fees incurred for early port entry when the application is permitted.

Exchange container fee
Exchange container fee is the cost of moving/carrying the container, and the dumping charge is usually incurred because of the change of vessel. Generally, the location of the container on the ship is planned, once the change of ship occurs, it is inevitable to dump the container.
For example, in the process of shipping, each sea area has requirements for ship tonnage and route. Some ships are not suitable for certain sea areas or do not take a certain route, or take a certain route is not cost-effective, it will lead to the transfer of goods to other ships.

In addition:
Pick up container fee it is the cost of presenting the container from the yard to the customs to go through the machine for inspection.

Loading fee it is a cost of transporting the container to the container truck when the goods need to be transported after customs clearance.

Returning container costs it is the cost of importing goods pulled to the factory after unloading, the container is not loaded, empty boxes back to the dock, and vice versa for exports. In the export of freight, if the factory or freight forwarder has been the box from the yard to lift out, but for some reason (such as the goods can not catch up), the last did not box, resulting in empty containers back, the shipping company will charge the factory a certain fee, the cost is generally 80% of the cost of the trailer.

Emptying container costs it is the customs or commercial inspection of goods need to open the box and then forklift fork out of the goods inspection fees charged.

Port entry fees it is when the box is sent into the designated terminal or yard later than the specified cut-off time, in order to catch this water ship, and the yard happens to be willing to receive the goods, the container charged for the delayed entry into the port.

Written by Vivi
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